import re, argparse, sys, os, string, shlex, subprocess, glob, parser, hashlib, json, errno from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple import curses.ascii # Py3 stuff... is_py3 = sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000 if is_py3: basestring = str def dirname(fn): return os.path.dirname(fn) or '.' def makedirs(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): return raise def indentify(s, indent=' '): return s.replace('\n', '\n' + indent) def log(x): sys.stdout.write(x) config_log.write(x) def to_upper_and_underscore(s): return s.upper().replace('-', '_') def argv_to_shell(argv): quoteds = [] for arg in argv: if re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.@/+=,-]+$', arg): quoteds.append(arg) else: quoted = '' for c in arg: if c == '\n': quoted += r'\n' elif c in r'$`\"': quoted += '\\' + c elif not curses.ascii.isprint(c): quoted += r'\x%02x' % ord(c) else: quoted += c quoteds.append('"' + quoted + '"') return ' '.join(quoteds) def init_config_log(): global config_log config_log = open('config.log', 'w') config_log.write(argv_to_shell(sys.argv) + '\n') # a wrapper for subprocess that logs results # returns (stdout, stderr, status) [even if Popen fails] def run_command(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs): shell = argv_to_shell(cmd) config_log.write("Running command '%s'\n" % (shell,)) isatty = sys.stdout.isatty() if isatty: sys.stdout.write('>>> ' + shell) # no \n sys.stdout.flush() try: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **kwargs) except OSError: config_log.write(' OSError\n') return '', '', 127 so, se = [o.decode('utf-8') for o in p.communicate()] if isatty: sys.stdout.write('\033[2K\r') if p.returncode != 0: config_log.write(' failed with status %d\n' % (p.returncode,)) config_log.write('-----------\n') config_log.write(' stdout:\n') config_log.write(so.rstrip()) config_log.write('\n stderr:\n') config_log.write(se.rstrip()) config_log.write('\n-----------\n') return so, se, p.returncode class DependencyNotFoundException(Exception): pass # it must take no arguments, and throw DependencyNotFoundException on failure class memoize(object): def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def __call__(self): if hasattr(self, 'threw'): raise self.threw elif hasattr(self, 'result'): return self.result else: try: self.result = self.f() return self.result except DependencyNotFoundException as threw: self.threw = threw raise class Pending(object): def __repr__(self): return 'Pending(%x%s)' % (id(self), ('; value=%r' % (self.value,)) if hasattr(self, 'value') else '') def resolve(self): return self.value # xxx py3 def __getattribute__(self, attr): try: return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) except AttributeError: if attr is 'value': raise AttributeError return PendingAttribute(self, attr) class PendingOption(Pending, namedtuple('PendingOption', 'opt')): def resolve(self): return self.opt.value def __repr__(self): return 'PendingOption(%s)' % (,) def __getattribute__(self, attr): die class SettingsGroup(object): def __init__(self, group_parent=None, inherit_parent=None, name=None): object.__setattr__(self, 'group_parent', group_parent) object.__setattr__(self, 'inherit_parent', inherit_parent) object.__setattr__(self, 'vals', OrderedDict()) if name is None: name = '<0x%x>' % (id(self),) object.__setattr__(self, 'name', name) @staticmethod def get_meat(self, attr, exctype=KeyError): allow_pending = not did_parse_args try: obj = object.__getattribute__(self, 'vals')[attr] except KeyError: inherit_parent = object.__getattribute__(self, 'inherit_parent') if inherit_parent is not None: ret = SettingsGroup.get_meat(inherit_parent, attr, exctype) if isinstance(ret, SettingsGroup): ret = self[attr] = ret.specialize(name='%s.%s' % (object.__getattribute__(self, 'name'), attr), group_parent=self) return ret raise exctype(attr) else: if isinstance(obj, Pending): try: return obj.resolve() except: if not allow_pending: raise Exception("setting %r is pending; you need to set it" % (attr,)) return obj return obj def __getattribute__(self, attr): try: return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) except AttributeError: return SettingsGroup.get_meat(self, attr, AttributeError) def __setattr__(self, attr, val): try: object.__getattribute__(self, attr) except: self[attr] = val else: object.__setattribute__(self, attr, val) def __getitem__(self, attr): return SettingsGroup.get_meat(self, attr, KeyError) def __setitem__(self, attr, val): self.vals[attr] = val def get(self, attr, default=None): try: return self[attr] except KeyError: return default def __iter__(self): return self.vals.__iter__() def items(self): return self.vals.items() def __str__(self): s = 'SettingsGroup %s {\n' % (,) o = self while True: for attr, val in o.vals.items(): s += ' %s: %s\n' % (attr, indentify(str(val))) if o.inherit_parent is None: break o = o.inherit_parent s += ' [inherited from %s:]\n' % (,) s += '}' return s def add_setting_option(self, name, optname, optdesc, default, **kwargs): def f(value): self[name] = value if isinstance(default, str): old = default default = lambda: expand(old, self) opt = Option(optname, optdesc, f, default, **kwargs) self[name] = PendingOption(opt) return opt def specialize(self, name=None, group_parent=None, **kwargs): sg = SettingsGroup(inherit_parent=self, group_parent=group_parent, name=name) for key, val in kwargs.items(): sg[key] = val return sg def new_child(self, name, *args, **kwargs): assert name not in self sg = SettingsGroup(group_parent=self, name='%s.%s' % (, name), *args, **kwargs) self[name] = sg return sg class OptSection(object): def __init__(self, desc): self.desc = desc self.opts = [] all_opt_sections.append(self) def move_to_end(self): all_opt_sections.remove(self) all_opt_sections.append(self) class Option(object): def __init__(self, name, help, on_set, default=None, bool=False, opposite=None, show=True, section=None, metavar=None, type=str, **kwargs): if name.startswith('--'): self.is_env = False assert set(kwargs).issubset({'nargs', 'choices', 'required', 'metavar'}) elif name.endswith('='): self.is_env = True assert len(kwargs) == 0 assert bool is False else: raise ValueError("name %r should be '--opt' or 'ENV='" % (name,)) = name = help self.default = default self.on_set = on_set = show self.type = type if metavar is None: metavar = '...' self.metavar = metavar self.bool = bool if bool: if opposite is None: if name.startswith('--enable-'): opposite = '--disable-' + name[9:] elif name.startswith('--with-'): opposite = '--without-' + name[7:] else: raise ValueError("need opposite for bool option %r" %(name,)) self.opposite = opposite self.section = section if section is not None else default_opt_section self.section.opts.append(self) self.argparse_kw = kwargs.copy() all_options.append(self) if name in all_options_by_name: raise KeyError('trying to create Option with duplicate name %r; old is:\n%r' % (name, all_options_by_name[name])) all_options_by_name[name] = self def __repr__(self): value = repr(self.value) if hasattr(self, 'value') else '' return 'Option(name=%r, help=%r, value=%s, default=%r)' % (,, value, self.default) def need(self): = True def set(self, value): if not # If you didn't mention the option in help, you don't get no stinking value. This is for ignored options only. return if value is None: value = self.default if callable(value): # Pending value = value() self.value = value if self.on_set is not None: self.on_set(value) def parse_expander(fmt): bits = [] z = 0 while True: y = fmt.find('(', z) if y == -1: bits.append(fmt[z:]) break bits.append(fmt[z:y]) should_shlex_result = False if fmt[y+1:y+2] == '*': should_shlex_result = True y += 1 try: parser.expr(fmt[y+1:]) except SyntaxError as e: offset = e.offset if offset == 0 or fmt[y+1+offset-1] != ')': raise bits.append((compile(fmt[y+1:y+1+offset-1], '', 'eval'), should_shlex_result)) z = y+1+offset return bits def eval_expand_bit(bit, settings, extra_vars={}): dep = eval(bit, {}, settings.specialize(**extra_vars)) if isinstance(dep, Pending): dep = dep.resolve() return dep def expand(fmt, settings, extra_vars={}): bits = parse_expander(fmt) return ''.join((bit if isinstance(bit, basestring) else eval_expand_bit(bit[0], settings, extra_vars)) for bit in bits) def expand_argv(argv, settings, extra_vars={}): if isinstance(argv, basestring): bits = parse_expander(argv) shell = ''.join(bit if isinstance(bit, basestring) else '(!)' for bit in bits) codes = [bit for bit in bits if not isinstance(bit, basestring)] argv = shlex.split(shell) out_argv = [] for arg in argv: first = True out_argv.append('') for bit in arg.split('(!)'): if not first: code, should_shlex_result = codes.pop(0) res = eval_expand_bit(code, settings, extra_vars) res = shlex.split(res) if should_shlex_result else [res] out_argv[-1] += res[0] out_argv.extend(res[1:]) first = False out_argv[-1] += bit return out_argv else: return [expand(arg, settings, extra_vars) for arg in argv] def installation_dirs_group(sg): section = OptSection('Fine tuning of the installation directories:') for name, optname, optdesc, default in [ ('prefix', '--prefix', '', '/usr/local'), ('exec_prefix', '--exec-prefix', '', '(prefix)'), ('bin', '--bindir', '', '(exec_prefix)/bin'), ('sbin', '--sbindir', '', '(exec_prefix)/sbin'), ('libexec', '--libexecdir', '', '(exec_prefix)/libexec'), ('etc', '--sysconfdir', '', '(prefix)/etc'), ('var', '--localstatedir', '', '(prefix)/var'), ('lib', '--libdir', '', '(prefix)/lib'), ('include', '--includedir', '', '(prefix)/include'), ('datarootdir', '--datarootdir', '', '(prefix)/share'), ('share', '--datadir', '', '(datarootdir)'), ('locale', '--localedir', '', '(datarootdir)/locale'), ('man', '--mandir', '', '(datarootdir)/man'), ('doc', '--docdir', '', '(datarootdir)/doc/(group_parent.package_unix_name)'), ('html', '--htmldir', '', '(doc)'), ('pdf', '--pdfdir', '', '(doc)'), ]: sg.add_setting_option(name, optname, optdesc, default, section=section, show=False) for ignored in ['--sharedstatedir', '--oldincludedir', '--infodir', '--dvidir', '--psdir']: Option(ignored, 'Ignored autotools compatibility setting', None, section=section, show=False) def _make_argparse(include_unused, include_env): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( add_help=False, usage='configure [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...', prefix_chars=('-' + string.ascii_letters if include_env else '-'), ) parser.add_argument('--help', action='store_true', help='Show this help', dest='__help') parser.add_argument('--help-all', action='store_true', help='Show this help, including unused options', dest='__help_all') for sect in all_opt_sections: def include(opt): return (include_unused or and (include_env or not opt.is_env) if not any(map(include, sect.opts)): continue ag = parser.add_argument_group(description=sect.desc) for opt in sect.opts: if not include(opt): continue kw = opt.argparse_kw if not opt.bool: kw = kw.copy() kw['type'] = opt.type kw['metavar'] = opt.metavar ag.add_argument(, action='store_true' if opt.bool else 'store',[2:],, default=None, **kw) if opt.bool and include_unused: ag.add_argument(opt.opposite, action='store_false',[2:], default=None, **kw) return parser def _print_help(include_unused=False): parser = _make_argparse(include_unused, include_env=True) parser.print_help() def parse_args(): will_need(pre_parse_args_will_need) default_opt_section.move_to_end() parser = _make_argparse(include_unused=True, include_env=False) args, argv = parser.parse_known_args() if args.__help or args.__help_all: _print_help(include_unused=args.__help_all) sys.exit(1) unrecognized_env = [] def do_env_arg(arg): m = re.match('([^- ]+)=(.*)', arg) if not m: return True # keep for unrecognized if + '=' not in all_options_by_name: unrecognized_env.append(arg) else: os.environ[] = return False unrecognized_argv = list(filter(do_env_arg, argv)) if unrecognized_argv: print ('unrecognized arguments: %s' % (argv_to_shell(unrecognized_argv),)) if unrecognized_env: print ('unrecognized environment: %s' % (argv_to_shell(unrecognized_env),)) if unrecognized_argv or unrecognized_env: _print_help() sys.exit(1) for opt in all_options: try: if opt.is_env: name =[:-1] opt.set(opt.type(os.environ[name]) if name in os.environ else None) else: opt.set(getattr(args,[2:])) except DependencyNotFoundException as e: def f(): raise e post_parse_args_will_need.append(f) #print args._unrecognized_args global did_parse_args did_parse_args = True will_need(post_parse_args_will_need) # -- toolchains -- class Triple(namedtuple('Triple', 'triple arch vendor os abi')): def __new__(self, triple): if isinstance(triple, Triple): return triple else: bits = triple.split('-') numbits = len(bits) if numbits > 4: raise Exception('strange triple %r' % (triple,)) if numbits in (2, 3) and bits[1] not in ('unknown', 'none', 'pc'): # assume the vendor was left out bits.insert(1, None) return super(Triple, self).__new__(self, triple, *((bits.pop(0) if bits else None) for i in range(4))) def __str__(self): return self.triple class Machine(object): def __init__(self, name, settings, triple_help, triple_default): = name self.settings = settings settings.new_child(name) def on_set(val): self.triple = Triple(val) if isinstance(triple_default, basestring): triple_help += '; default: %r' % (triple_default,) self.triple_option = Option('--' + name, help=triple_help, default=triple_default, on_set=on_set, type=Triple, section=triple_options_section) self.triple = PendingOption(self.triple_option) self.toolchains = memoize(self.toolchains) self.c_tools = memoize(self.c_tools) self.darwin_target_conditionals = memoize(self.darwin_target_conditionals) self.flags_section = OptSection('Compiler/linker flags (%s):' % (,)) self.tools_section = OptSection('Tool overrides (%s):' % (,)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.triple == other.triple def __ne__(self, other): return self.triple != other.triple def __repr__(self): return 'Machine(name=%r, triple=%s)' % (, repr(self.triple) if hasattr(self, 'triple') else '') def is_cross(self): # This is only really meaningful in GNU land, as it decides whether to # prepend the triple (hopefully other targets are sane enough not to # have a special separate "cross compilation mode" that skips # configuration checks, but...). Declared here because it may be # useful to override. if not hasattr(self, '_is_cross'): self._is_cross = self.triple != self.settings.build_machine().triple return self._is_cross def is_darwin(self): return (self.triple.os is not None and 'darwin' in self.triple.os) or \ (self.triple.triple == '' and os.path.exists('/System/Library/Frameworks')) def is_ios(self): # memoized if not self.is_darwin(): return False tc = self.darwin_target_conditionals() return any(tc.get(flag) for flag in ['TARGET_OS_IOS', 'TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR', 'TARGET_OS_IPHONE', 'TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR']) def is_macosx(self): return self.is_darwin() and not self.is_ios() # Get a list of appropriate toolchains. def toolchains(self): # memoized tcs = [] if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/xcrun'): self.xcode_toolchain = XcodeToolchain(self, self.settings) tcs.append(self.xcode_toolchain) tcs.append(UnixToolchain(self, self.settings)) return tcs #memoize def darwin_target_conditionals(self): return calc_darwin_target_conditionals(self.c_tools(), self.settings) def will_need_darwin_target_conditionals(self): self.c_tools().cpp.required() #memoize def c_tools(self): return CTools(self.settings, self, self.toolchains()) class CLITool(object): def __init__(self, name, defaults, env, machine, toolchains, dont_suffix_env=False, section=None): if section is None: section = machine.tools_section = name self.defaults = defaults self.env = env self.toolchains = toolchains self.needed = False self.machine = machine if != 'host' and not dont_suffix_env: env = '%s_FOR_%s' % (env, to_upper_and_underscore( def on_set(val): if val is not None: self.argv_from_opt = shlex.split(val) self.argv_opt = Option(env + '=', help='Default: %r' % (defaults,), on_set=on_set, show=False, section=section) self.argv = memoize(self.argv) def __repr__(self): return 'CLITool(name=%r, defaults=%r, env=%r)' % (, self.defaults, self.env) def optional_nocheck(self): self.argv_opt.need() def optional(self): self.optional_nocheck() def f(): try: self.argv() except DependencyNotFoundException: pass post_parse_args_will_need.append(f) def required(self): self.argv_opt.need() post_parse_args_will_need.append(lambda: self.argv()) def argv(self): # mem if not raise Exception("You asked for argv but didn't call required() or optional() before parsing args: %r" % (self,)) # If the user specified it explicitly, don't question. if hasattr(self, 'argv_from_opt'): log('Using %s from command line: %s\n' % (, argv_to_shell(self.argv_from_opt))) return self.argv_from_opt return self.argv_non_opt() # overridable def argv_non_opt(self): failure_notes = [] for tc in self.toolchains: argv = tc.find_tool(self, failure_notes) if argv is not None: log('Found %s%s: %s\n' % (, (' for %r' % (,) if self.machine is not None else ''), argv_to_shell(argv))) return argv log('** Failed to locate %s\n' % (,)) for n in failure_notes: log(' note: %s\n' % indentify(n, ' ')) raise DependencyNotFoundException def locate_in_paths(self, prefix, paths): for path in paths: for default in self.defaults: default = prefix + default filename = os.path.join(path, default) if os.path.exists(filename): return [filename] return None class UnixToolchain(object): def __init__(self, machine, settings): self.machine = machine self.settings = settings def find_tool(self, tool, failure_notes): # special cases if == 'cpp': try: cc = self.machine.c_tools().cc.argv() except DependencyNotFoundException: pass else: return cc + ['-E'] return self.find_tool_normal(tool, failure_notes) def find_tool_normal(self, tool, failure_notes): prefix = '' if self.machine.is_cross(): prefix = self.machine.triple.triple + '-' failure_notes.append('detected cross compilation, so searched for %s-%s' % (self.machine.triple.triple, return tool.locate_in_paths(prefix, self.settings.tool_search_paths) def calc_darwin_target_conditionals(ctools, settings): if not os.path.exists(settings.out): os.makedirs(settings.out) fn = os.path.join(settings.out, '_calc_darwin_target_conditionals.c') with open(fn, 'w') as fp: fp.write('#include \n') so, se, st = run_command(ctools.cpp.argv() + ['-dM', fn]) if st: log('* Error: Darwin platform but no TargetConditionals.h?\n') raise DependencyNotFoundException # note: TARGET_CPU are no good because there could be multiple arches return {env: bool(int(val)) for (env, val) in re.findall('^#define (TARGET_OS_[^ ]*)\s+(0|1)\s*$', so, re.M)} # Reads a binary or XML plist (on OS X) def read_plist(gunk): import plistlib if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): return plistlib.loads(gunk) # it can do it out of the box else: if gunk.startswith('bplist'): p = subprocess.Popen('plutil -convert xml1 - -o -'.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) gunk, _ = p.communicate(gunk) assert p.returncode == 0 return plistlib.readPlistFromString(gunk) class XcodeToolchain(object): def __init__(self, machine, settings): self.machine = machine prefix = ( + '-') if != 'host' else '' section = OptSection('Xcode SDK options (%s):' % (,)) name = '--%sxcode-sdk' % (prefix,) self.sdk_opt = Option(name, help='Use Xcode SDK - `xcodebuild -showsdks` lists; typical values: macosx, iphoneos, iphonesimulator, watchos, watchsimulator', on_set=None, section=section) name = '--%sxcode-archs' % (prefix,) self.arch_opt = Option(name, help='Comma-separated list of -arch settings for use with an Xcode toolchain', on_set=self.on_set_arch, section=section) self.ok = False def on_set_arch(self, arch): self.sdk = self.sdk_opt.value some_explicit_xcode_request = bool(self.sdk or arch) tarch = arch if not arch and self.machine.triple.arch is not None: tarch = self.machine.triple.arch if tarch == 'arm': #log("Warning: treating 'arm' in triple %r as '-arch armv7'; you can specify a triple like 'armv7-apple-darwin10', or override with %r\n" % (self.machine.triple.triple, tarch = 'armv7' elif tarch == 'armv8': # XXX is this right? tarch = 'arm64' if not self.sdk: is_armish = tarch is not None and tarch.startswith('arm') self.sdk = 'iphoneos' if is_armish else 'macosx' self.is_ios = 'macos' not in self.sdk # this is used for arch and also serves as a check sdk_platform_path, _, code = run_command(['/usr/bin/xcrun', '--sdk', self.sdk, '--show-sdk-platform-path']) if code == 127: log('* Failed to run /usr/bin/xcrun\n') if some_explicit_xcode_request: raise DependencyNotFoundException return elif code: log('* Xcode SDK %r not found\n' % (self.sdk,)) if some_explicit_xcode_request: raise DependencyNotFoundException return self.sdk_platform_path = sdk_platform_path.rstrip() log('Xcode SDK platform path: %r\n' % (self.sdk_platform_path,)) self.archs = self.get_archs(arch, tarch) if self.archs is None: log("*** %s default Xcode SDK for %r because %s; pass %s=arch1,arch2 to override\n" % ( "Can't use" if some_explicit_xcode_request else "Not using",, ("triple architecture %r doesn't seem to be valid" % (tarch,)) if tarch else "I couldn't guess a list of architectures from the SDK",, )) if some_explicit_xcode_request: raise DependencyNotFoundException return log('Using architectures for %r: %s\n' % (, repr(self.archs) if self.archs != [] else '(native)')) self.ok = True def get_archs(self, arch, tarch): if arch: return re.sub('\s', '', arch).split(',') if tarch: # we need to validate it sod, sed, code = run_command(['/usr/bin/xcrun', '--sdk', self.sdk, 'ld', '-arch', tarch]) if 'unsupported arch' in sed: return None return [tarch] triple = self.machine.triple # try to divine appropriate architectures # this may fail with future versions of Xcode, but at least we tried if self.sdk_platform_path.endswith('MacOSX.platform'): # Assume you just wanted to build natively return [] xcspecs = glob.glob('%s/Developer/Library/Xcode/Specifications/*Architectures.xcspec' % (self.sdk_platform_path,)) + \ glob.glob('%s/Developer/Library/Xcode/PrivatePlugIns/*/Contents/Resources/Device.xcspec' % (self.sdk_platform_path,)) for spec in xcspecs: def f(): try: pl = read_plist(open(spec, 'rb').read()) except: raise return if not isinstance(pl, list): return for item in pl: if not isinstance(item, dict): return if item.get('ArchitectureSetting') != 'ARCHS_STANDARD': return archs = item.get('RealArchitectures') if not isinstance(archs, list) and not all(isinstance(arch, basestring) for arch in archs): return return archs archs = f() if archs is not None: return archs log('(Failed to divine architectures from %r for some reason...)\n' % (spec,)) # give up return None def arch_flags(self): return [flag for arch in self.archs for flag in ('-arch', arch)] def find_tool(self, tool, failure_notes): # special cases if == 'cpp': argv = ['/usr/bin/xcrun', '--sdk', self.sdk, 'cc', '-E'] sod, sed, code = run_command(['/usr/bin/xcrun', '--sdk', self.sdk, '-f',]) if code != 0: failure_notes.append(sed) return None return argv return self.find_tool_normal(tool, failure_notes) def find_tool_normal(self, tool, failure_notes): if not self.ok: return None arch_flags = self.arch_flags() if in {'cc', 'cxx', 'nm'} else [] argv = ['/usr/bin/xcrun', '--sdk', self.sdk,] + arch_flags sod, sed, code = run_command(['/usr/bin/xcrun', '--sdk', self.sdk, '-f',]) if code != 0: failure_notes.append(sed) return None # note: we can't just use the found path because xcrun sets some env magic return argv # Just a collection of common tools, plus flag options class CTools(object): def __init__(self, settings, machine, toolchains): group = settings[] tools = [ ('cc', ['cc', 'gcc', 'clang'], 'CC'), ('cpp', None, 'CPP'), ('cxx', ['c++', 'g++', 'clang++'], 'CXX'), ('ar',), ('nm',), ('ranlib',), ('strip',), # GNU ('objdump', ['objdump', 'gobjdump'], 'OBJDUMP'), ('objcopy', ['objcopy', 'gobjcopy'], 'OBJCOPY'), # OS X ('lipo',), ('dsymutil',), ] for spec in tools: if len(spec) == 1: name, defaults, env = spec[0], [spec[0]], spec[0].upper() else: name, defaults, env = spec tool = CLITool(name, defaults, env, machine, toolchains) setattr(self, name, tool) suff = '' if != 'host': suff = '_FOR_' + to_upper_and_underscore( suff += '=' group.app_cflags = [] group.app_cxxflags = [] group.app_ldflags = [] group.app_cppflags = [] self.cflags_opt = group.add_setting_option('cflags', 'CFLAGS'+suff, 'Flags for $CC', [], section=machine.flags_section, type=shlex.split) self.cxxflags_opt = group.add_setting_option('cxxflags', 'CXXFLAGS'+suff, 'Flags for $CXX', [], section=machine.flags_section, type=shlex.split) self.ldflags_opt = group.add_setting_option('ldflags', 'LDFLAGS'+suff, 'Flags for $CC/$CXX when linking', [], section=machine.flags_section, type=shlex.split) self.cppflags_opt = group.add_setting_option('cppflags', 'CPPFLAGS'+suff, 'Flags for $CC/$CXX when not linking (supposed to be used for preprocessor flags)', [], section=machine.flags_section, type=shlex.split) settings.enable_werror_opt.need() settings.enable_debug_info_opt.need() # A nicer - but optional - way of doing multiple tests that will print all the # errors in one go and exit cleanly def will_need(tests): failures = 0 for test in tests: try: test() except DependencyNotFoundException: failures += 1 if failures > 0: log('(%d failure%s.)\n' % (failures, 's' if failures != 1 else '')) sys.exit(1) def relpath_if_within(tree, fn): rp = os.path.relpath(fn, tree) return None if rp.startswith('..'+os.path.sep) else rp real_out = memoize(lambda: os.path.realpath(settings_root.out)) def clean_files(fns, settings): ro = real_out() for fn in fns: if not os.path.exists(fn) or os.path.isdir(fn): continue real_fn = os.path.realpath(fn) if not settings.allow_autoclean_outside_out and not relpath_if_within(ro, real_fn) and real_fn not in safe_to_clean: log("* Would clean %r as previous build leftover, but it isn't in settings.out (%r) so keeping it for safety.\n" % (fn, ro)) continue log('Removing %r\n' % (fn,)) os.remove(real_fn) def plan_clean_target(fns, settings): ro = real_out() actions = [] for fn in fns: real_fn = os.path.realpath(fn) if not settings.allow_autoclean_outside_out and not relpath_if_within(ro, real_fn) and real_fn not in safe_to_clean: actions.append(('log', "* Would clean %r, but it isn't in settings.out (%r) so keeping it for safety." % (fn, ro))) continue actions.append(('remove', fn)) return actions safe_to_clean = set() def mark_safe_to_clean(fn, settings=None): fn = expand(fn, settings) safe_to_clean.add(os.path.realpath(fn)) def list_mconfig_scripts(settings): real_src = os.path.realpath(settings.src) res = [] for mod in sys.modules.values(): if hasattr(mod, '__file__') and relpath_if_within(real_src, os.path.realpath(mod.__file__)): if is_py3: fn = mod.__loader__.path else: fn = mod.__file__ if fn.endswith('.pyc') or fn.endswith('.pyo'): if os.path.exists(fn[:-1]): fn = fn[:-1] else: # who knows? continue res.append(fn) return res def write_file_loudly(fn, data, perm=None): fn = relpath_if_within(os.getcwd(), fn) or fn log('Writing %s\n' % (fn,)) with open(fn, 'w') as fp: fp.write(data) if perm is not None: try: os.chmod(fn, perm) except Exception as e: log('chmod: %r' % (e,)) class Emitter(object): def __init__(self, settings): self.settings = settings self.distclean_paths = self.default_distclean_paths() self.all_outs = set() def pre_output(self): assert not hasattr(self, 'did_output') self.did_output = True def set_default_rule(self, rule): self.default_rule = rule def filename_rel(self, fn): return os.path.relpath(fn, dirname(self.settings.emit_fn)) def filename_rel_and_escape(self, fn): return self.filename_escape(self.filename_rel(fn)) def add_command(self, settings, outs, ins, argvs, phony=False, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('expand', True): ev = {'raw_outs': outs, 'raw_ins': ins, 'raw_argvs': argvs} outs = ev['outs'] = [expand(x, settings, ev) for x in outs] ins = ev['ins'] = [expand(x, settings, ev) for x in ins] argvs = [expand_argv(x, settings, ev) for x in argvs] if 'expand' in kwargs: del kwargs['expand'] if kwargs.get('mkdirs', True): for dirname in set(map(os.path.dirname, outs)): if dirname: argvs.insert(0, ['mkdir', '-p', dirname]) if 'mkdirs' in kwargs: del kwargs['mkdirs'] if not phony: self.all_outs.update(outs) if settings.enable_rule_hashing: sha = hashlib.sha1(json.dumps((outs, ins, argvs)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if sha not in prev_rule_hashes: clean_files(outs, settings) cur_rule_hashes.add(sha) return self.add_command_raw(outs, ins, argvs, phony, *args, **kwargs) def default_distclean_paths(self): return [ ['file', 'config.log'], ['file', 'config.status'], ['file', ''], ['file', 'Makefile'], ['dir', self.settings.out], ] def emit(self, fn=None): if fn is None: fn = self.settings.emit_fn output = self.output() write_file_loudly(fn, output) class UnixEmitter(Emitter): def add_unix_distclean(self): argvs = [] for kind, path in self.distclean_paths: assert kind in ['file', 'dir'] argvs.append(['rm', ('-rf' if kind == 'dir' else '-f'), path]) self.add_command_raw(['distclean'], [], argvs, phony=True) # In the future it may be desirable to use make variables and nontrivial ninja rules for efficiency. class MakefileEmitter(UnixEmitter): def __init__(self, settings): Emitter.__init__(self, settings) self.banner = '# Generated by' self.makefile_bits = [self.banner] self.main_mk = settings.get('main_mk') if self.main_mk is None: self.main_mk = lambda: os.path.join(settings.out, '') def add_all(self): if hasattr(self, 'default_rule'): if self.default_rule != 'all': self.add_command_raw(['all'], [self.default_rule], [], phony=True) else: log('Warning: %r: no default rule\n' % (self,)) def add_clean(self): argvs = [] for a, b in plan_clean_target(sorted(self.all_outs), self.settings): if a == 'log': argvs.append(['@echo', b]) elif a == 'remove': argvs.append(['rm', '-f', b]) self.add_command_raw(['clean'], [], argvs, phony=True) self.add_unix_distclean() @staticmethod def filename_escape(fn): if'[\n\0]', fn): raise ValueError("your awful filename %r can't be encoded in make (probably)" % (fn,)) return re.sub(r'([ :\$\\])', r'\\\1', fn) # depfile = ('makefile', filename) or ('msvc',) def add_command_raw(self, outs, ins, argvs, phony=False, depfile=None): bit = '' outs = ' '.join(map(self.filename_rel_and_escape, outs)) ins = ' '.join(map(self.filename_rel_and_escape, ins)) if phony: bit += '.PHONY: %s\n' % (outs,) bit += '%s:%s%s\n' % (outs, ' ' if ins else '', ins) for argv in argvs: bit += '\t' + argv_to_shell(argv) + '\n' if depfile is not None: if depfile[0] != 'makefile': raise ValueError("don't support depfile of type %r" % (depfile[0],)) bit += '-include %s\n' % (self.filename_rel_and_escape(depfile[1]),) if 'all' in outs: self.makefile_bits.insert(0, bit) else: self.makefile_bits.append(bit) def output(self): self.pre_output() self.add_all() self.add_clean() return '\n'.join(self.makefile_bits) def emit(self): makefile = self.settings.emit_fn if self.settings.auto_rerun_config: main_mk = self.main_mk() makedirs(os.path.dirname(main_mk)) cs_argvs = [['echo', 'Running config.status...'], ['./config.status']] self.add_command_raw([makefile], list_mconfig_scripts(self.settings), cs_argvs) Emitter.emit(self, main_mk) # Write the stub # TODO is there something better than shell? # TODO avoid deleting partial output? stub = ''' %(banner)s _out := $(shell "$(MAKE_COMMAND)" -s -f %(main_mk_arg)s %(makefile_arg)s >&2 || echo fail) ifneq ($(_out),fail) include %(main_mk)s endif '''.lstrip() \ % { 'makefile_arg': argv_to_shell([makefile]), 'main_mk_arg': argv_to_shell([main_mk]), 'main_mk': self.filename_rel_and_escape(main_mk), 'banner': self.banner, } write_file_loudly(makefile, stub) else: Emitter.emit(self) def default_outfile(self): return 'Makefile' class NinjaEmitter(UnixEmitter): def __init__(self, settings): Emitter.__init__(self, settings) self.ninja_bits = [] self.ruleno = 0 @staticmethod def filename_escape(fn): if'[\n\0]', fn): raise ValueError("your awful filename %r can't be encoded in ninja (probably)" % (fn,)) return re.sub(r'([ :\$])', r'$\1', fn) def add_command(self, settings, outs, ins, argvs, *args, **kwargs): if self.settings.auto_rerun_config: kwargs['order_only_ins'] = kwargs.get('order_only_ins', []) + [''] Emitter.add_command(self, settings, outs, ins, argvs, *args, **kwargs) def add_command_raw(self, outs, ins, argvs, phony=False, depfile=None, order_only_ins=[]): bit = '' if phony: if len(argvs) == 0: self.ninja_bits.append('build %s: phony %s%s\n' % ( ' '.join(map(self.filename_rel_and_escape, outs)), ' '.join(map(self.filename_rel_and_escape, ins)), '' if not order_only_ins else (' || ' + ' '.join(map(self.filename_rel_and_escape, order_only_ins))), )) return outs2 = ['__phony_' + out for out in outs] bit += 'build %s: phony %s\n' % (' '.join(map(self.filename_rel_and_escape, outs)), ' '.join(map(self.filename_rel_and_escape, outs2))) outs = outs2 rule_name = 'rule_%d' % (self.ruleno,) self.ruleno += 1 bit += 'rule %s\n' % (rule_name,) bit += ' command = %s\n' % (' && $\n '.join(map(argv_to_shell, argvs))) if depfile: if depfile[0] not in ('makefile', 'msvc'): raise ValueError("don't support depfile of type %r" % (depfile[0],)) bit += ' deps = %s\n' % ({'makefile': 'gcc', 'msvc': 'msvc'}[depfile[0]],) bit += ' depfile = %s\n' % (self.filename_rel_and_escape(depfile[1]),) bit += 'build %s: %s' % (' '.join(map(self.filename_rel_and_escape, outs),), rule_name) if ins: bit += ' | %s' % (' '.join(map(self.filename_rel_and_escape, ins),)) bit += '\n' self.ninja_bits.append(bit) def add_configstatus_rule(self): # Unlike with make, we don't need to do this separately, before the # other rules are read, because ninja automatically rereads rules when # has changed. cs_argvs = [['echo', 'Running config.status...'], ['./config.status']] self.add_command_raw([''], list_mconfig_scripts(self.settings), cs_argvs) def add_default(self): if hasattr(self, 'default_rule'): self.ninja_bits.append('default %s\n' % (self.default_rule,)) else: log('Warning: %r: no default rule\n' % (self,)) def output(self): self.pre_output() if self.settings.auto_rerun_config: self.add_configstatus_rule() self.add_default() self.add_command_raw(['clean'], [], [['ninja', '-t', 'clean']], phony=True) self.add_unix_distclean() return '\n'.join(self.ninja_bits) def default_outfile(self): return '' def add_emitter_option(): def on_set_generate(val): if val not in emitters: raise DependencyNotFoundException('Unknown build script type: %s (options: %s)' % (val, ' '.join(emitters.keys()))) settings_root.emitter = emitters[val](settings_root) Option( '--generate', 'The type of build script to generate. Options: %s (default makefile)' % (', '.join(emitters.keys()),), on_set_generate, default='makefile', section=output_section) settings_root.add_setting_option('emit_fn', '--outfile', 'Output file. Default: Makefile,, etc.', section=output_section, default=lambda: settings_root.emitter.default_outfile()) def config_status(): return '#!/bin/sh\n' + argv_to_shell([sys.executable] + sys.argv) + '\n' def finish_and_emit(): settings_root.emitter.emit() if settings_root.enable_rule_hashing: emit_rule_hashes() write_file_loudly('config.status', config_status(), 0o755) def check_rule_hashes(): if not settings_root.enable_rule_hashing: return global prev_rule_hashes, cur_rule_hashes cur_rule_hashes = set() rule_path = os.path.join(settings_root.out, 'mconfig-hashes.txt') try: fp = open(rule_path) except IOError: prev_rule_hashes = set() return prev_rule_hashes = set(json.load(fp)) fp.close() def emit_rule_hashes(): makedirs(settings_root.out) rule_path = os.path.join(settings_root.out, 'mconfig-hashes.txt') with open(rule_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(list(cur_rule_hashes), fp) def get_else_and(container, key, def_func, transform_func=lambda x: x): try: val = container[key] except KeyError: return def_func() else: return transform_func(val) def default_is_cxx(filename): root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) return ext in ('cc', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'mm') def get_cflags(mach_settings, is_cxx): return (mach_settings.app_cppflags + (mach_settings.app_cxxflags if is_cxx else mach_settings.app_cflags) + mach_settings.cppflags + (mach_settings.cxxflags if is_cxx else mach_settings.cflags)) def get_cc_cmd(my_settings, mach_settings, tools, fn, extra_cflags=[]): is_cxx = get_else_and(my_settings, 'override_is_cxx', lambda: default_is_cxx(fn)) include_args = ['-I'+expand(inc, my_settings) for inc in my_settings.c_includes] dbg = ['-g'] if my_settings.enable_debug_info else [] werror = ['-Werror'] if my_settings.enable_werror else [] cflags = expand_argv(get_else_and(my_settings, 'override_cflags', lambda: get_cflags(mach_settings, is_cxx)), my_settings) cc = expand_argv(get_else_and(my_settings, 'override_cc', lambda: (tools.cxx if is_cxx else, my_settings) return (cc + dbg + werror + include_args + cflags + extra_cflags, is_cxx) # emitter: the emitter to add rules to # machine: machine # settings: settings object; will inspect {c,cxx,cpp,ld}flags # sources: list of source files # headers: *optional* list of header files that will be used in the future to # generate IDE projects - unused for makefile/ninja due to # depfiles # objs: list of .o files or other things to add to the link # link_out: optional linker output # link_type: 'exec', 'dylib', 'staticlib', 'obj'; default exec # settings_cb: (filename) -> None or a settings object to override the default # the following keys are accepted: # override_cxx: True ($CXX) or False ($CC); ignored in IDE native mode # override_cc: override cc altogther; ignored in IDE native mode # override_obj_fn: the .o file # extra_deps: dependencies # force_cli: don't use IDEs' native C/C++ compilation mechanism # expand: call expand on filenames # extra_cflags: convenience argument for extra CFLAGS (can also use settings/settings_cb) def build_c_objs(emitter, machine, settings, sources, headers=[], settings_cb=None, force_cli=False, expand=True, extra_cflags=[]): tools = machine.c_tools() any_was_cxx = False obj_fns = [] ldflag_sets = set() my_settings = settings if expand: _expand = lambda x: globals()['expand'](x, my_settings) _expand_argv = lambda x: expand_argv(x, my_settings) else: _expand = _expand_argv = lambda x: x env = {} # todo: ... headers = list(map(_expand, headers)) extra_cflags = _expand_argv(extra_cflags) for fn in map(_expand, sources): my_settings = settings if settings_cb is not None: s = settings_cb(fn) if s is not None: my_settings = s obj_fn = get_else_and(my_settings, 'override_obj_fn', lambda: guess_obj_fn(fn, settings), _expand) mach_settings = my_settings[] extra_deps = list(map(_expand, my_settings.get('extra_compile_deps', []))) cmd, is_cxx = get_cc_cmd(my_settings, mach_settings, tools, fn, extra_cflags) any_was_cxx = any_was_cxx or is_cxx dep_fn = os.path.splitext(obj_fn)[0] + '.d' # we must relativize here only so that .d files work properly if obj_fn.startswith('/'): obj_fn = emitter.filename_rel(obj_fn) if fn.startswith('/'): fn = emitter.filename_rel(fn) cmd += ['-c', '-o', obj_fn, '-MMD', '-MF', dep_fn, fn] env = { 'outs': [obj_fn], 'ins': [fn] + extra_deps, 'cmds': [cmd], } mce = settings.get('modify_compile') if mce is not None: mce(env) emitter.add_command(my_settings, env['outs'], env['ins'], env['cmds'], depfile=('makefile', dep_fn), expand=False, mkdirs=True) for lset in my_settings.get('obj_ldflag_sets', ()): ldflag_sets.add(tuple(lset)) obj_fns.append(obj_fn) return obj_fns, any_was_cxx, ldflag_sets def link_c_objs(emitter, machine, settings, link_type, link_out, objs, link_with_cxx=None, force_cli=False, expand=True, ldflags_from_sets=[]): if expand: _expand = lambda x: globals()['expand'](x, settings) _expand_argv = lambda x: expand_argv(x, settings) link_out = _expand(link_out) objs = list(map(_expand, objs)) else: _expand = _expand_argv = lambda x: x tools = machine.c_tools() assert link_type in ('exec', 'dylib', 'staticlib', 'obj') if link_type in ('exec', 'dylib'): assert link_with_cxx in (False, True) cc_for_link = _expand_argv(get_else_and(settings, 'override_ld', lambda: (tools.cxx if link_with_cxx else if link_type == 'dylib': typeflag = ['-dynamiclib'] if machine.is_darwin() else ['-shared'] else: typeflag = [] mach_settings = settings[] ldflags = get_else_and(settings, 'override_ldflags', lambda: mach_settings.app_ldflags + mach_settings.ldflags, _expand_argv) cmds = [cc_for_link + typeflag + ['-o', link_out] + objs + ldflags_from_sets + ldflags] if machine.is_darwin() and settings.enable_debug_info: cmds.append(tools.dsymutil.argv() + [link_out]) elif link_type == 'staticlib': cmds = [ + ['rcs'] + objs] elif link_type == 'obj': cmds = [ + ['-Wl,-r', '-nostdlib', '-o', link_out] + objs] env = { 'outs': [link_out], 'ins': objs, 'cmds': cmds, } mce = settings.get('modify_link') if mce is not None: mce(env) emitter.add_command(settings, env['outs'], env['ins'], env['cmds'], expand=False, mkdirs=True) def build_and_link_c_objs(emitter, machine, settings, link_type, link_out, sources, headers=[], objs=[], settings_cb=None, force_cli=False, expand=True, extra_deps=[], extra_cflags=[], extra_ldflags=[]): more_objs, link_with_cxx, ldflag_sets = build_c_objs(emitter, machine, settings, sources, headers, settings_cb, force_cli, expand, extra_cflags) ldflags_from_sets = [flag for lset in ldflag_sets for flag in lset] link_c_objs(emitter, machine, settings, link_type, link_out, objs + more_objs, link_with_cxx, force_cli, expand, ldflags_from_sets) def will_build_and_link_c(machine, link_types=set(), c=True, cxx=False): c = machine.c_tools() if c: if cxx: c.cxx.required() if link_types: c.dsymutil.optional() if 'staticlib' in link_types: def guess_obj_fn(fn, settings): rel = os.path.relpath(fn, settings.src) if not rel.startswith('..'+os.path.sep): rel = os.path.splitext(rel)[0] + '.o' return os.path.join(settings.out, rel) raise ValueError("can't guess .o filename for %r, as it's not in settings.src" % (fn,)) # -- init code -- init_config_log() did_parse_args = False all_options = [] all_options_by_name = {} all_opt_sections = [] default_opt_section = OptSection('Uncategorized options:') pre_parse_args_will_need = [] post_parse_args_will_need = [] settings_root = SettingsGroup(name='root') settings_root.package_unix_name = Pending() installation_dirs_group(settings_root.new_child('idirs')) output_section = OptSection('Output options:') triple_options_section = OptSection('System types:') settings_root.build_machine = memoize(lambda: Machine('build', settings_root, 'the machine doing the build', lambda: Triple(''))) settings_root.host_machine = memoize(lambda: settings_root.build_machine() and Machine('host', settings_root, 'the machine that will run the compiled program', lambda: settings_root.build_machine().triple)) # ...'the machine that the program will itself compile programs for', settings_root.tool_search_paths = os.environ['PATH'].split(':') settings_root.src = dirname(sys.argv[0]) settings_root.out = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'out') settings_root.enable_rule_hashing = True settings_root.allow_autoclean_outside_out = False post_parse_args_will_need.append(check_rule_hashes) settings_root.auto_rerun_config = True settings_root.c_includes = [] settings_root.enable_werror_opt = settings_root.add_setting_option('enable_werror', '--enable-werror', 'Turn warnings to errors (default on)', default=True, bool=True, show=False) settings_root.enable_debug_info_opt = settings_root.add_setting_option('enable_debug_info', '--enable-debug-info', 'Enable -g', default=False, bool=True, show=False) emitters = { 'makefile': MakefileEmitter, 'ninja': NinjaEmitter, } pre_parse_args_will_need.append(add_emitter_option) # --