/* Generated code; do not edit! generated by tables/gen.js from imaon2 'f0e220720bbfb8f8e00e76af56806a28fc8739a2' https://github.com/comex/imaon2 arguments: '--gen-hook-disassembler -n _thumb2 --dis-pattern=P(XXX) out/out-ARM.json' (fair warning: at present the main (Rust) code in that repository is barely started, embarrassingly so; no need to look at it ;p) In case it's copyrightable in any way, consider the generated code in the public domain. */ /* addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD: VLDRD, VLDRS, VSTRD, VSTRS, t2LDC2L_OFFSET, t2LDC2_OFFSET, t2LDCL_OFFSET, t2LDC_OFFSET */ /* GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR: VMOVDRR, VMOVSR, t2MCR, t2MCR2, t2MCRR, t2MCRR2, t2MRRC, t2MRRC2 */ /* unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD: VMOVRRD, VMOVRRS, VMOVRS, VMRS, VMRS_FPEXC, VMRS_FPINST, VMRS_FPINST2, VMRS_FPSID, VMRS_MVFR0, VMRS_MVFR1, VMRS_MVFR2, t2MRC, t2MRC2 */ /* GPRnopc_Rn_unk_Rd_2_t2ADDri: t2ADDri, t2ADDrs */ /* GPR_Rn_unk_Rd_1_t2ADDri12: t2ADDri12 */ /* GPRnopc_Rn_rGPR_Rm_unk_Rd_1_t2ADDrr: t2ADDrr */ /* t2adrlabel_addr_unk_Rd_1_t2ADR: t2ADR */ /* uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B: t2B */ /* rGPR_func_1_t2BXJ: t2BXJ */ /* brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc: t2Bcc */ /* addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rt_11_t2LDA: t2LDA, t2LDAB, t2LDAEX, t2LDAEXB, t2LDAEXD, t2LDAEXH, t2LDAH, t2LDRD_POST, t2LDREXB, t2LDREXD, t2LDREXH */ /* addr_offset_none_addr_4_t2LDC2L_OPTION: t2LDC2L_OPTION, t2LDC2_OPTION, t2LDCL_OPTION, t2LDC_OPTION */ /* addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_4_t2LDC2L_POST: t2LDC2L_POST, t2LDC2_POST, t2LDCL_POST, t2LDC_POST */ /* addrmode5_pre_addr_4_t2LDC2L_PRE: t2LDC2L_PRE, t2LDC2_PRE, t2LDCL_PRE, t2LDC_PRE */ /* GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_4_t2LDMDB: t2LDMDB, t2LDMDB_UPD, t2LDMIA, t2LDMIA_UPD */ /* t2addrmode_posimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBT: t2LDRBT, t2LDRHT, t2LDRSBT, t2LDRSHT, t2LDRT */ /* addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_POST: t2LDRB_POST, t2LDRH_POST, t2LDRSB_POST, t2LDRSH_POST, t2LDR_POST */ /* t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_PRE: t2LDRB_PRE, t2LDRH_PRE, t2LDRSB_PRE, t2LDRSH_PRE, t2LDR_PRE */ /* t2addrmode_imm12_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi12: t2LDRBi12, t2LDRHi12, t2LDRSBi12, t2LDRSHi12, t2LDRi12 */ /* t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi8: t2LDRBi8, t2LDRHi8, t2LDRSBi8, t2LDRSHi8, t2LDRi8 */ /* t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci: t2LDRBpci, t2LDRHpci, t2LDRSBpci, t2LDRSHpci, t2LDRpci */ /* t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBs: t2LDRBs, t2LDRHs, t2LDRSBs, t2LDRSHs, t2LDRs */ /* t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDRD_PRE: t2LDRD_PRE */ /* t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDRDi8: t2LDRDi8 */ /* t2addrmode_imm0_1020s4_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDREX: t2LDREX */ /* unk_Rd_3_t2MOVTi16: t2MOVTi16, t2MOVi, t2MOVi16 */ /* GPR_Rm_unk_Rd_1_t2MOVr: t2MOVr */ /* addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET: t2STC2L_OFFSET, t2STC2_OFFSET, t2STCL_OFFSET, t2STC_OFFSET */ /* addr_offset_none_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OPTION: t2STC2L_OPTION, t2STC2_OPTION, t2STCL_OPTION, t2STC_OPTION */ /* addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_S_4_t2STC2L_POST: t2STC2L_POST, t2STC2_POST, t2STCL_POST, t2STC_POST */ /* addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE: t2STC2L_PRE, t2STC2_PRE, t2STCL_PRE, t2STC_PRE */ /* rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_S_4_t2STL: t2STL, t2STLB, t2STLH, t2STRD_POST */ /* rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rd_S_7_t2STLEX: t2STLEX, t2STLEXB, t2STLEXD, t2STLEXH, t2STREXB, t2STREXD, t2STREXH */ /* GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_S_4_t2STMDB: t2STMDB, t2STMDB_UPD, t2STMIA, t2STMIA_UPD */ /* t2addrmode_imm8_addr_unk_Rt_S_3_t2STRBT: t2STRBT, t2STRHT, t2STRT */ /* rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_S_2_t2STRB_POST: t2STRB_POST, t2STRH_POST */ /* rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_S_2_t2STRB_PRE: t2STRB_PRE, t2STRH_PRE */ /* rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_S_2_t2STRBi12: t2STRBi12, t2STRHi12 */ /* rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_S_2_t2STRBi8: t2STRBi8, t2STRHi8 */ /* rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_S_2_t2STRBs: t2STRBs, t2STRHs */ /* rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_S_1_t2STRD_PRE: t2STRD_PRE */ /* rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8: t2STRDi8 */ /* rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm0_1020s4_addr_unk_Rd_S_1_t2STREX: t2STREX */ /* GPRnopc_Rt_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_S_1_t2STR_POST: t2STR_POST */ /* GPRnopc_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_S_1_t2STR_PRE: t2STR_PRE */ /* GPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_S_1_t2STRi12: t2STRi12 */ /* GPR_Rt_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_S_1_t2STRi8: t2STRi8 */ /* GPR_Rt_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_S_1_t2STRs: t2STRs */ /* unk_Rm_B_2_t2TBB: t2TBB, t2TBH */ /* t_bltarget_func_1_tBL: tBL */ /* t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi: tBLXi */ switch ((op >> 20) & 0x1f) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { switch ((op >> 14) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xfb5f8000) == 0xf20f0000) { insn_t2adrlabel_addr_unk_Rd_1_t2ADR:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 5, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {12,8,3}, {21,12,1}, {23,12,1}, {26,11,1}}}; struct bitslice Rd = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{8,0,4}}}; return P(t2adrlabel_addr_unk_Rd_1_t2ADR)(ctx, addr, Rd); /* 0xf20f0000 | 0x04007fff */ } else { if ((op & 0xfbf08000) == 0xf2000000) { struct bitslice Rd = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{8,0,4}}}; struct bitslice Rn = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(GPR_Rn_unk_Rd_1_t2ADDri12)(ctx, Rd, Rn); /* 0xf2000000 | 0x040f7fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 2: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc:; struct bitslice target = {.nruns = 5, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,1,11}, {11,19,1}, {13,18,1}, {16,12,6}, {26,20,1}}}; struct bitslice p = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{22,0,4}}}; return P(brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc)(ctx, target, p); /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B:; struct bitslice target = {.nruns = 5, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,11}, {11,21,1}, {13,22,1}, {16,11,10}, {26,23,1}}}; return P(uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B)(ctx, target); /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 3: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi:; struct bitslice func = {.nruns = 5, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{1,1,10}, {11,21,1}, {13,22,1}, {16,11,10}, {26,23,1}}}; return P(t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi)(ctx, func); /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL:; struct bitslice func = {.nruns = 5, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,11}, {11,21,1}, {13,22,1}, {16,11,10}, {26,23,1}}}; return P(t_bltarget_func_1_tBL)(ctx, func); /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 2: { switch ((op >> 8) & 0x7) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xffd00fc0) == 0xf8000000) { insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_S_2_t2STRBs:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,2,4}, {4,0,2}, {16,6,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_S_2_t2STRBs)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8000000 | 0x002ff03f */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xffd00d00) == 0xf8000900) { insn_rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_S_2_t2STRB_POST:; struct bitslice offset = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {9,8,1}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; struct bitslice Rn = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_S_2_t2STRB_POST)(ctx, offset, Rt, Rn); /* 0xf8000900 | 0x002ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 4: { if ((op & 0xffd00d00) == 0xf8000c00) { insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_S_2_t2STRBi8:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {9,8,1}, {16,9,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_S_2_t2STRBi8)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8000c00 | 0x002ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xffd00d00) == 0xf8000d00) { insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_S_2_t2STRB_PRE:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {9,8,1}, {16,9,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_S_2_t2STRB_PRE)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8000d00 | 0x002ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 6: { if ((op & 0xffd00f00) == 0xf8000e00) { insn_t2addrmode_imm8_addr_unk_Rt_S_3_t2STRBT:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,9,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(t2addrmode_imm8_addr_unk_Rt_S_3_t2STRBT)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8000e00 | 0x002ff0ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xff00f7f) == 0xe000a10) { insn_GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR:; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR)(ctx, Rt); /* 0x0e000a10 | 0xf00ff080 */ } else { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee000010) { goto insn_GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR; /* 0xee000010 | 0x100fffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: { switch ((op >> 8) & 0x7) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfed00fc0) == 0xf8100000) { insn_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBs:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,2,4}, {4,0,2}, {16,6,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBs)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8100000 | 0x012ff03f */ } else { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,12}, {23,12,1}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x0120f8ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 1: case 3: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100900) { insn_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_POST:; struct bitslice offset = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {9,8,1}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; struct bitslice Rn = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_POST)(ctx, offset, Rt, Rn); /* 0xf8100900 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100c00) { insn_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi8:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {9,8,1}, {16,9,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi8)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8100c00 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 5: case 7: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100d00) { insn_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_PRE:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {9,8,1}, {16,9,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_PRE)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8100d00 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 6: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00f00) == 0xf8100e00) { insn_t2addrmode_posimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBT:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,9,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(t2addrmode_posimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBT)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8100e00 | 0x012ff0ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xff00f7f) == 0xe100a10) { insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD:; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD)(ctx, Rt); /* 0x0e100a10 | 0xf00ff080 */ } else { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee100010) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0xee100010 | 0x100fffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } case 2: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: { if ((op & 0xfb5f8000) == 0xf20f0000) { goto insn_t2adrlabel_addr_unk_Rd_1_t2ADR; /* 0xf22f0000 | 0x04007fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 9: case 11: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: case 14: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 13: case 15: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: { switch ((op >> 8) & 0x7) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xffd00fc0) == 0xf8000000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_S_2_t2STRBs; /* 0xf8000000 | 0x002ff03f */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xffd00d00) == 0xf8000900) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_S_2_t2STRB_POST; /* 0xf8000900 | 0x002ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 4: { if ((op & 0xffd00d00) == 0xf8000c00) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_S_2_t2STRBi8; /* 0xf8000c00 | 0x002ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xffd00d00) == 0xf8000d00) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_S_2_t2STRB_PRE; /* 0xf8000d00 | 0x002ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 6: { if ((op & 0xffd00f00) == 0xf8000e00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm8_addr_unk_Rt_S_3_t2STRBT; /* 0xf8000e00 | 0x002ff0ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 3: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xec200000) { insn_addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_S_4_t2STC2L_POST:; struct bitslice offset = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {23,8,1}}}; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_S_4_t2STC2L_POST)(ctx, offset, addr); /* 0xec200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee000010) { goto insn_GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR; /* 0xee000010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 3: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: { switch ((op >> 8) & 0x7) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfed00fc0) == 0xf8100000) { goto insn_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBs; /* 0xf8100000 | 0x012ff03f */ } else { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x0120f8ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 1: case 3: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100900) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_POST; /* 0xf8100900 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100c00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi8; /* 0xf8100c00 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 5: case 7: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100d00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_PRE; /* 0xf8100d00 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 6: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00f00) == 0xf8100e00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_posimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBT; /* 0xf8100e00 | 0x012ff0ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 3: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xec300000) { insn_addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_4_t2LDC2L_POST:; struct bitslice offset = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {23,8,1}}}; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_4_t2LDC2L_POST)(ctx, offset, addr); /* 0xec300000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee100010) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0xee100010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 4: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 13: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 4: { if ((op & 0xfff00000) == 0xe8400000) { struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,8,4}}}; struct bitslice Rd = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{8,0,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm0_1020s4_addr_unk_Rd_S_1_t2STREX)(ctx, addr, Rd, Rt); /* 0xe8400000 | 0x000fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: { if ((op & 0xffef70f0) == 0xea4f0000) { insn_GPR_Rm_unk_Rd_1_t2MOVr:; struct bitslice Rm = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,4}}}; struct bitslice Rd = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{8,0,4}}}; return P(GPR_Rm_unk_Rd_1_t2MOVr)(ctx, Rm, Rd); /* 0xea4f0000 | 0x00108f0f */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 6: case 14: { if ((op & 0xff00fd0) == 0xc400b10) { goto insn_GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR; /* 0x0c400b10 | 0xf00ff02f */ } else { if ((op & 0xefe00000) == 0xec400000) { goto insn_GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR; /* 0xec400000 | 0x100fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 7: case 15: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee000010) { goto insn_GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR; /* 0xee000010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: { if ((op & 0xfbef8000) == 0xf04f0000) { insn_unk_Rd_3_t2MOVTi16:; struct bitslice Rd = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{8,0,4}}}; return P(unk_Rd_3_t2MOVTi16)(ctx, Rd); /* 0xf04f0000 | 0x04107fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 9: case 11: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: case 14: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 13: case 15: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 9: case 11: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: { if ((op & 0xfb708000) == 0xf2400000) { goto insn_unk_Rd_3_t2MOVTi16; /* 0xf2400000 | 0x048f7fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 9: case 11: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: case 14: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 13: case 15: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 12: { switch ((op >> 8) & 0x7) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfff00fc0) == 0xf8400000) { struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,2,4}, {4,0,2}, {16,6,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(GPR_Rt_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_S_1_t2STRs)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8400000 | 0x000ff03f */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xfff00d00) == 0xf8400900) { struct bitslice offset = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {9,8,1}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; struct bitslice Rn = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(GPRnopc_Rt_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_S_1_t2STR_POST)(ctx, offset, Rt, Rn); /* 0xf8400900 | 0x000ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 4: { if ((op & 0xfff00d00) == 0xf8400c00) { struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {9,8,1}, {16,9,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(GPR_Rt_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_S_1_t2STRi8)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8400c00 | 0x000ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xfff00d00) == 0xf8400d00) { struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {9,8,1}, {16,9,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(GPRnopc_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_S_1_t2STR_PRE)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8400d00 | 0x000ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 6: { if ((op & 0xfff00f00) == 0xf8400e00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm8_addr_unk_Rt_S_3_t2STRBT; /* 0xf8400e00 | 0x000ff0ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 5: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 2: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfff00f00) == 0xe8500f00) { struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,8,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(t2addrmode_imm0_1020s4_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDREX)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xe8500f00 | 0x000ff0ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xffef70f0) == 0xea4f0000) { goto insn_GPR_Rm_unk_Rd_1_t2MOVr; /* 0xea4f0000 | 0x00108f0f */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 3: case 7: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xff00ed0) == 0xc500a10) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0x0c500a10 | 0xf00ff12f */ } else { if ((op & 0xefe00000) == 0xec400000) { goto insn_GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR; /* 0xec500000 | 0x100fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee100010) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0xee100010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 4: case 5: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: { if ((op & 0xfbef8000) == 0xf04f0000) { goto insn_unk_Rd_3_t2MOVTi16; /* 0xf04f0000 | 0x04107fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 9: case 11: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: case 14: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 13: case 15: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 6: { switch ((op >> 8) & 0x7) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfff00fc0) == 0xf8500000) { goto insn_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBs; /* 0xf8500000 | 0x000ff03f */ } else { if ((op & 0xff7f0000) == 0xf85f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf85f0000 | 0x0000f8ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 1: case 3: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xff7f0000) == 0xf85f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf85f0000 | 0x0080ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfff00d00) == 0xf8500900) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_POST; /* 0xf8500900 | 0x000ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff7f0000) == 0xf85f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf85f0000 | 0x0080ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xff7f0000) == 0xf85f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf85f0000 | 0x0080ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfff00d00) == 0xf8500c00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi8; /* 0xf8500c00 | 0x000ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 5: case 7: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xff7f0000) == 0xf85f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf85f0000 | 0x0080ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfff00d00) == 0xf8500d00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_PRE; /* 0xf8500d00 | 0x000ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 6: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xff7f0000) == 0xf85f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf85f0000 | 0x0080ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfff00f00) == 0xf8500e00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_posimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBT; /* 0xf8500e00 | 0x000ff0ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } } } case 6: case 14: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x3) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe8600000) { insn_rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_S_4_t2STL:; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_S_4_t2STL)(ctx, Rt, addr); /* 0xe8600000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 2: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xec200000) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_S_4_t2STC2L_POST; /* 0xec200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee000010) { goto insn_GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR; /* 0xee000010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 7: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x3) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe8700000) { insn_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rt_11_t2LDA:; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rt_11_t2LDA)(ctx, Rt, addr); /* 0xe8700000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 2: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xec300000) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_4_t2LDC2L_POST; /* 0xec300000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee100010) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0xee100010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 8: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: { if ((op & 0xfb5f8000) == 0xf20f0000) { goto insn_t2adrlabel_addr_unk_Rd_1_t2ADR; /* 0xf28f0000 | 0x04007fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 9: case 11: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: case 14: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 13: case 15: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 5: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 13: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 4: { if ((op & 0xffd0a000) == 0xe8800000) { insn_GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_S_4_t2STMDB:; struct bitslice regs = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,13}, {14,14,1}}}; struct bitslice Rn = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_S_4_t2STMDB)(ctx, regs, Rn); /* 0xe8800000 | 0x002f5fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 6: case 14: { if ((op & 0xefb00000) == 0xec800000) { insn_addr_offset_none_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OPTION:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(addr_offset_none_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OPTION)(ctx, addr); /* 0xec800000 | 0x104fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: case 15: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee000010) { goto insn_GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR; /* 0xee000010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: { if ((op & 0xffd00000) == 0xf8800000) { insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_S_2_t2STRBi12:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,12}, {16,13,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_S_2_t2STRBi12)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8800000 | 0x002fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 9: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: { switch ((op >> 28) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xffd00000) == 0xe8900000) { insn_GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_4_t2LDMDB:; struct bitslice regs = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,16}}}; struct bitslice Rn = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_4_t2LDMDB)(ctx, regs, Rn); /* 0xe8900000 | 0x002fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 16) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: { if ((op & 0xfed00000) == 0xf8900000) { insn_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi12:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,12}, {16,13,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(t2addrmode_imm12_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi12)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8900000 | 0x012fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 15: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 3: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xefb00000) == 0xec900000) { insn_addr_offset_none_addr_4_t2LDC2L_OPTION:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(addr_offset_none_addr_4_t2LDC2L_OPTION)(ctx, addr); /* 0xec900000 | 0x104fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee100010) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0xee100010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 10: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: { if ((op & 0xfb5f8000) == 0xf20f0000) { goto insn_t2adrlabel_addr_unk_Rd_1_t2ADR; /* 0xf2af0000 | 0x04007fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 9: case 11: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: case 14: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 13: case 15: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 5: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 13: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 4: { if ((op & 0xffd0a000) == 0xe8800000) { goto insn_GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_S_4_t2STMDB; /* 0xe8800000 | 0x002f5fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 6: case 14: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xec200000) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_S_4_t2STC2L_POST; /* 0xec200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: case 15: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee000010) { goto insn_GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR; /* 0xee000010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: { if ((op & 0xffd00000) == 0xf8800000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_S_2_t2STRBi12; /* 0xf8800000 | 0x002fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 11: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: { switch ((op >> 28) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xffd00000) == 0xe8900000) { goto insn_GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_4_t2LDMDB; /* 0xe8900000 | 0x002fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 16) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: { if ((op & 0xfed00000) == 0xf8900000) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi12; /* 0xf8900000 | 0x012fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 15: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 3: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xec300000) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_4_t2LDC2L_POST; /* 0xec300000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee100010) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0xee100010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 12: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 2: { switch ((op >> 4) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 6: case 11: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 4: { if ((op & 0xfff00ff0) == 0xe8c00f40) { insn_rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rd_S_7_t2STLEX:; struct bitslice Rd = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rd_S_7_t2STLEX)(ctx, Rd, Rt, addr); /* 0xe8c00f40 | 0x000ff00f */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 13: { if ((op & 0xfff00f70) == 0xe8c00f50) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rd_S_7_t2STLEX; /* 0xe8c00f50 | 0x000ff08f */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: case 15: { if ((op & 0xfff00070) == 0xe8c00070) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rd_S_7_t2STLEX; /* 0xe8c00070 | 0x000fff8f */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { if ((op & 0xfff00fdf) == 0xe8c00f8f) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_S_4_t2STL; /* 0xe8c00f8f | 0x000ff020 */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 9: { if ((op & 0xfff00fff) == 0xe8c00f9f) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_S_4_t2STL; /* 0xe8c00f9f | 0x000ff000 */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: case 14: { if ((op & 0xfff00fd0) == 0xe8c00fc0) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rd_S_7_t2STLEX; /* 0xe8c00fc0 | 0x000ff02f */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 3: case 7: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xefb00000) == 0xec800000) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OPTION; /* 0xec800000 | 0x104fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee000010) { goto insn_GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR; /* 0xee000010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 4: case 5: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: { if ((op & 0xfb708000) == 0xf2400000) { goto insn_unk_Rd_3_t2MOVTi16; /* 0xf2400000 | 0x048f7fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 9: case 11: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: case 14: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 13: case 15: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 6: { if ((op & 0xfff00000) == 0xf8c00000) { struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 2, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,12}, {16,13,4}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(GPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_S_1_t2STRi12)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xf8c00000 | 0x000fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 13: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 2: { switch ((op >> 4) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xfff0ffe0) == 0xe8d0f000) { struct bitslice Rm = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,4}}}; return P(unk_Rm_B_2_t2TBB)(ctx, Rm); /* 0xe8d0f000 | 0x000f001f */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: case 3: case 6: case 11: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 4: case 5: { if ((op & 0xfff00fef) == 0xe8d00f4f) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rt_11_t2LDA; /* 0xe8d00f4f | 0x000ff010 */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: case 15: { if ((op & 0xfff0007f) == 0xe8d0007f) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rt_11_t2LDA; /* 0xe8d0007f | 0x000fff80 */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: case 12: case 14: { if ((op & 0xfff00f9f) == 0xe8d00f8f) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rt_11_t2LDA; /* 0xe8d00f8f | 0x000ff060 */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 9: case 13: { if ((op & 0xfff00fbf) == 0xe8d00f9f) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rt_11_t2LDA; /* 0xe8d00f9f | 0x000ff040 */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 3: case 7: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xefb00000) == 0xec900000) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_4_t2LDC2L_OPTION; /* 0xec900000 | 0x104fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee100010) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0xee100010 | 0x10efffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 4: case 5: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 6: { switch ((op >> 16) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: { if ((op & 0xfff00000) == 0xf8d00000) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi12; /* 0xf8d00000 | 0x000fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 15: { if ((op & 0xff7f0000) == 0xf85f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf85f0000 | 0x0080ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 15: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 4: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe8700000) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rt_11_t2LDA; /* 0xe8700000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 6: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xec300000) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_4_t2LDC2L_POST; /* 0xec300000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: { switch ((op >> 17) & 0x3) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xff60fff) == 0xef00a10) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0x0ef00a10 | 0xf009f000 */ } else { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee100010) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0xeef00010 | 0x1009ffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfff0fff) == 0xefa0a10) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0x0efa0a10 | 0xf000f000 */ } else { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee100010) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0xeef20010 | 0x1009ffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xfff0fff) == 0xef50a10) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0x0ef50a10 | 0xf000f000 */ } else { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee100010) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0xeef40010 | 0x1009ffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xffe0fff) == 0xef60a10) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0x0ef60a10 | 0xf001f000 */ } else { if ((op & 0xef100010) == 0xee100010) { goto insn_unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD; /* 0xeef60010 | 0x1009ffef */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } } case 16: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: { if ((op & 0xfbe08000) == 0xf1000000) { insn_GPRnopc_Rn_unk_Rd_2_t2ADDri:; struct bitslice Rd = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{8,0,4}}}; struct bitslice Rn = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(GPRnopc_Rn_unk_Rd_2_t2ADDri)(ctx, Rd, Rn); /* 0xf1000000 | 0x041f7fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 9: case 11: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: case 14: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 13: case 15: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x3) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xffd0a000) == 0xe9000000) { goto insn_GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_S_4_t2STMDB; /* 0xe9000000 | 0x002f5fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xffe070f0) == 0xeb000000) { insn_GPRnopc_Rn_rGPR_Rm_unk_Rd_1_t2ADDrr:; struct bitslice Rm = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,4}}}; struct bitslice Rd = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{8,0,4}}}; struct bitslice Rn = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(GPRnopc_Rn_rGPR_Rm_unk_Rd_1_t2ADDrr)(ctx, Rm, Rd, Rn); /* 0xeb000000 | 0x001f8f0f */ } else { if ((op & 0xffe00000) == 0xeb000000) { goto insn_GPRnopc_Rn_unk_Rd_2_t2ADDri; /* 0xeb000000 | 0x001fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 2: { switch ((op >> 29) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,9,4}, {23,8,1}}}; return P(addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD)(ctx, addr); /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: { insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,9,4}, {23,8,1}}}; return P(addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET)(ctx, addr); /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } } } case 3: return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 17: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 2: { switch ((op >> 25) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xffd00000) == 0xe9100000) { goto insn_GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_4_t2LDMDB; /* 0xe9100000 | 0x002fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xffe070f0) == 0xeb000000) { goto insn_GPRnopc_Rn_rGPR_Rm_unk_Rd_1_t2ADDrr; /* 0xeb000000 | 0x001f8f0f */ } else { if ((op & 0xffe00000) == 0xeb000000) { goto insn_GPRnopc_Rn_unk_Rd_2_t2ADDri; /* 0xeb000000 | 0x001fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } case 3: case 7: { switch ((op >> 29) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed100000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0xed100000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 4: case 5: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: { if ((op & 0xfbe08000) == 0xf1000000) { goto insn_GPRnopc_Rn_unk_Rd_2_t2ADDri; /* 0xf1000000 | 0x041f7fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 9: case 11: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 12: case 14: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 13: case 15: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 6: { switch ((op >> 8) & 0x7) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfed00fc0) == 0xf8100000) { goto insn_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBs; /* 0xf8100000 | 0x012ff03f */ } else { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x0120f8ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 1: case 3: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100900) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_POST; /* 0xf8100900 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100c00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi8; /* 0xf8100c00 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 5: case 7: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100d00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_PRE; /* 0xf8100d00 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 6: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00f00) == 0xf8100e00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_posimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBT; /* 0xf8100e00 | 0x012ff0ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } } } case 18: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 4: case 5: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xffd0a000) == 0xe9000000) { goto insn_GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_S_4_t2STMDB; /* 0xe9000000 | 0x002f5fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,9,4}, {23,8,1}}}; return P(addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE)(ctx, addr); /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: case 3: case 6: case 7: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 8: case 10: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 9: case 11: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 12: case 14: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 13: case 15: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 19: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 2: { if ((op & 0xffd00000) == 0xe9100000) { goto insn_GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_4_t2LDMDB; /* 0xe9100000 | 0x002fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: case 7: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed300000) { insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_4_t2LDC2L_PRE:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,9,4}, {23,8,1}}}; return P(addrmode5_pre_addr_4_t2LDC2L_PRE)(ctx, addr); /* 0xed300000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 5: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 6: { switch ((op >> 8) & 0x7) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfed00fc0) == 0xf8100000) { goto insn_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBs; /* 0xf8100000 | 0x012ff03f */ } else { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x0120f8ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 1: case 3: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100900) { goto insn_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_POST; /* 0xf8100900 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100c00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi8; /* 0xf8100c00 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 5: case 7: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00d00) == 0xf8100d00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_PRE; /* 0xf8100d00 | 0x012ff2ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 6: { switch ((op >> 11) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xfed00f00) == 0xf8100e00) { goto insn_t2addrmode_posimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBT; /* 0xf8100e00 | 0x012ff0ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } } } case 20: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9400000) { insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,9,4}, {23,8,1}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xe9400000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 29) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } } } case 21: case 29: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9500000) { struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,9,4}, {23,8,1}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDRDi8)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xe9500000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 29) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed100000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0xed100000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } } } case 22: case 30: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9600000) { insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_S_1_t2STRD_PRE:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,9,4}, {23,8,1}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_S_1_t2STRD_PRE)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xe9600000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: case 3: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9600000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_S_1_t2STRD_PRE; /* 0xe9600000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 4: case 6: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9600000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_S_1_t2STRD_PRE; /* 0xe9600000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 5: case 7: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9600000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_S_1_t2STRD_PRE; /* 0xe9600000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 23: case 31: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9700000) { insn_t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDRD_PRE:; struct bitslice addr = {.nruns = 3, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{0,0,8}, {16,9,4}, {23,8,1}}}; struct bitslice Rt = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{12,0,4}}}; return P(t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDRD_PRE)(ctx, addr, Rt); /* 0xe9700000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed300000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_4_t2LDC2L_PRE; /* 0xed300000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: case 3: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9700000) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDRD_PRE; /* 0xe9700000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed300000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_4_t2LDC2L_PRE; /* 0xed300000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 4: case 6: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9700000) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDRD_PRE; /* 0xe9700000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed300000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_4_t2LDC2L_PRE; /* 0xed300000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 5: case 7: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9700000) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDRD_PRE; /* 0xe9700000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed300000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_4_t2LDC2L_PRE; /* 0xed300000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 24: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1f) { case 0: case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: case 10: case 12: case 14: case 16: case 18: case 20: case 22: case 24: case 26: case 28: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 9: case 11: case 13: case 15: case 17: case 19: case 21: case 23: case 25: case 27: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 29: case 31: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 30: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: case 3: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1f) { case 0: case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: case 10: case 12: case 14: case 16: case 18: case 20: case 22: case 24: case 26: case 28: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 9: case 11: case 13: case 15: case 17: case 19: case 21: case 23: case 25: case 27: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 29: case 31: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 30: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 4: case 6: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1f) { case 0: case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: case 10: case 12: case 14: case 16: case 18: case 20: case 22: case 24: case 26: case 28: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 9: case 11: case 13: case 15: case 17: case 19: case 21: case 23: case 25: case 27: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 29: case 31: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 30: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 5: case 7: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1f) { case 0: case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: case 10: case 12: case 14: case 16: case 18: case 20: case 22: case 24: case 26: case 28: return P(unidentified)(ctx); case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 9: case 11: case 13: case 15: case 17: case 19: case 21: case 23: case 25: case 27: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 29: case 31: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 30: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 25: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x1) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 16) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: { if ((op & 0xfed00000) == 0xf8900000) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi12; /* 0xf8900000 | 0x012fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 15: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 29) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed100000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0xed100000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } } } case 26: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: case 3: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 4: case 6: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 5: case 7: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed200000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE; /* 0xed200000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 27: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 12) & 0x7) { case 0: case 2: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: case 3: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 4: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 5: case 7: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x1) { case 0: { switch ((op >> 16) & 0xf) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: { if ((op & 0xfed00000) == 0xf8900000) { goto insn_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi12; /* 0xf8900000 | 0x012fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 15: { if ((op & 0xfe5f0000) == 0xf81f0000) { goto insn_t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci; /* 0xf81f0000 | 0x01a0ffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed300000) { goto insn_addrmode5_pre_addr_4_t2LDC2L_PRE; /* 0xed300000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 28: { switch ((op >> 10) & 0x1f) { case 0: case 1: case 8: case 9: case 11: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9400000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8; /* 0xe9400000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 2: case 10: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf0008000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9400000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8; /* 0xe9400000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { switch ((op >> 29) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 3: { switch ((op >> 27) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xfff0ffff) == 0xf3c08f00) { struct bitslice func = {.nruns = 1, .runs = (struct bitslice_run[]) {{16,0,4}}}; return P(rGPR_func_1_t2BXJ)(ctx, func); /* 0xf3c08f00 | 0x000f0000 */ } else { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0008000) { goto insn_brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc; /* 0xf1c08c00 | 0x060f03ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } case 1: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x1) { case 0: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9400000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8; /* 0xe9400000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 1: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 4: case 5: case 7: case 12: case 13: case 15: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9400000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8; /* 0xe9400000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 6: case 14: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf0009000) { goto insn_uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B; /* 0xf0009000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9400000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8; /* 0xe9400000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { switch ((op >> 29) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 16: case 17: case 19: case 24: case 25: case 27: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9400000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8; /* 0xe9400000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 18: case 26: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d001) == 0xf000c000) { goto insn_t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi; /* 0xf000c000 | 0x07ff2ffe */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9400000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8; /* 0xe9400000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { switch ((op >> 29) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } case 20: case 21: case 23: case 28: case 29: case 31: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9400000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8; /* 0xe9400000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } case 22: case 30: { switch ((op >> 26) & 0x3) { case 0: case 1: { if ((op & 0xf800d000) == 0xf000d000) { goto insn_t_bltarget_func_1_tBL; /* 0xf000d000 | 0x07ff2fff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 2: { if ((op & 0xff700000) == 0xe9400000) { goto insn_rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8; /* 0xe9400000 | 0x008fffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 3: { switch ((op >> 29) & 0x7) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: { if ((op & 0xf200e00) == 0xd000a00) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD; /* 0x0d000a00 | 0xf0dff1ff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } case 7: { if ((op & 0xef300000) == 0xed000000) { goto insn_addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET; /* 0xed000000 | 0x10cfffff */ } else { return P(unidentified)(ctx); } } } } } } } } } /* static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPR_Rm_unk_Rd_1_t2MOVr)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice Rm, struct bitslice Rd) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_4_t2LDMDB)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice regs, struct bitslice Rn) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPR_Rn_reglist_regs_S_4_t2STMDB)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice regs, struct bitslice Rn) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPR_Rn_unk_Rd_1_t2ADDri12)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice Rd, struct bitslice Rn) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPR_Rt_8_VMOVDRR)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_S_1_t2STRi12)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPR_Rt_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_S_1_t2STRi8)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPR_Rt_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_S_1_t2STRs)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPRnopc_Rn_rGPR_Rm_unk_Rd_1_t2ADDrr)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice Rm, struct bitslice Rd, struct bitslice Rn) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPRnopc_Rn_unk_Rd_2_t2ADDri)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice Rd, struct bitslice Rn) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPRnopc_Rt_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_S_1_t2STR_POST)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice offset, struct bitslice Rt, struct bitslice Rn) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(GPRnopc_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_S_1_t2STR_PRE)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_POST)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice offset, struct bitslice Rt, struct bitslice Rn) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(addr_offset_none_addr_4_t2LDC2L_OPTION)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(addr_offset_none_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OPTION)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_4_t2LDC2L_POST)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice offset, struct bitslice addr) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(addr_offset_none_addr_postidx_imm8s4_offset_S_4_t2STC2L_POST)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice offset, struct bitslice addr) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rt_11_t2LDA)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice Rt, struct bitslice addr) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(addrmode5_addr_8_VLDRD)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(addrmode5_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_OFFSET)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(addrmode5_pre_addr_4_t2LDC2L_PRE)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(addrmode5_pre_addr_S_4_t2STC2L_PRE)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(brtarget_target_pred_p_B_1_t2Bcc)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice target, struct bitslice p) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_Rn_t2am_imm8_offset_offset_S_2_t2STRB_POST)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice offset, struct bitslice Rt, struct bitslice Rn) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_S_4_t2STL)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice Rt, struct bitslice addr) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(rGPR_Rt_addr_offset_none_addr_unk_Rd_S_7_t2STLEX)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice Rd, struct bitslice Rt, struct bitslice addr) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm0_1020s4_addr_unk_Rd_S_1_t2STREX)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rd, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm12_addr_S_2_t2STRBi12)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_S_2_t2STRB_PRE)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_S_1_t2STRDi8)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_S_1_t2STRD_PRE)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_S_2_t2STRBi8)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(rGPR_Rt_t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_S_2_t2STRBs)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(rGPR_func_1_t2BXJ)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice func) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t2addrmode_imm0_1020s4_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDREX)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t2addrmode_imm12_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi12)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t2addrmode_imm8_addr_unk_Rt_S_3_t2STRBT)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t2addrmode_imm8_pre_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRB_PRE)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t2addrmode_imm8s4_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDRDi8)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t2addrmode_imm8s4_pre_addr_unk_Rt_1_t2LDRD_PRE)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t2addrmode_negimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBi8)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t2addrmode_posimm8_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBT)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t2addrmode_so_reg_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBs)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t2adrlabel_addr_unk_Rd_1_t2ADR)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rd) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t2ldrlabel_addr_unk_Rt_5_t2LDRBpci)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice addr, struct bitslice Rt) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t_bltarget_func_1_tBL)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice func) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(t_blxtarget_func_1_tBLXi)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice func) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(uncondbrtarget_target_B_1_t2B)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice target) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(unk_Rd_3_t2MOVTi16)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice Rd) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(unk_Rm_B_2_t2TBB)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice Rm) {} static INLINE tdis_ret P(unk_Rt_13_VMOVRRD)(struct bitslice ctx, struct bitslice Rt) {} */